Cheese Manufacturing Temperature Log Template

Cheeses come in the market with many varieties. It determines the ingredients, processing, and features of the cheese. The composition of many kinds of cheese is defined by its quality. Quality cheese is produced at an average temperature level. Here, we have a template for a cheese manufacturing temperature log where you can record temperature readings and ingredients used.

Free Cheese Manufacturing Temperature Log Template

Are you working in the cheese manufacturing industry? This template will be a good option for people like you help to enlist the core elements while making cheese. Using this cheese temperature log in MS Word, you can easily track average temperatures for each factor. It is free and allows you to track temperature including setting milk, cutting the curd, milling process, salting, pressing, etc. You can also customize its layout by adding or removing the elements as per your needs. So, feel free and get this accessible cheese manufacturing temperature log by pressing the download button given below this sample image.

The Temperature Levels of Cheese Manufacturing

Most cheeses should be made at 50 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit or 12 to 15 degrees Celsius. If the temperature level goes too high, the cheese will age too quickly and in the case of high moisture, the cheese will slip. Colder temperatures for cheeses prevent spoiling but substantially decrease the aging process which is not always a bad thing. Some cheeses, such as blues and bloomy, benefit from a slower, colder ripening phase because some bacteria can modify the cheese without developing too quickly. Most commercially made cheddar is matured in vacuum-sealed bags at temperatures ranging from 1.6 to 4.4 degrees Celsius. Temperature changes, like other changes in the cheese manufacturing process, can result in tiny alterations in the finished cheeses.