Equipment Maintenance Log Template

The maintenance of equipment is very necessary at regular intervals. For example, if you own an expensive car and you don’t pay attention to the maintenance of the car. As a result, the condition of the car will start going down and the car will start losing its value. It may be broken down while you are going somewhere on it. At that time it will cause a lot of stress. That’s why proper maintenance is very necessary to get the expected output from your equipment, vehicle, property, and machinery. Equipment maintenance log templates have made the work easier. You can easily record the maintenance of each piece of equipment, the time of maintenance, and the cost that you pay for that maintenance. In this way, you can save a record of all maintenance that you have for your equipment. You can also record the date of the next maintenance in your log. So, you will keep remembering the next maintenance of each piece of equipment.

Equipment Maintenance Log Template:

Equipment Maintenance Log Template
MS Word File

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Equipment Maintenance Log Template

Here is an elegant equipment maintenance log template in MS Word Format. This template allows you to record the date, maintenance description, maintenance performed by, date of validation before putting into service, validation performed by, date of next maintenance, and the remarks about the equipment. It is a perfect template for making an equipment log. This template contains a very efficient layout to display all the details in a well-managed way. It is completely editable and customizable. To get this template click on the download button available below the template.


In our daily lives, we all use many pieces of equipment to perform our tasks easily. Each piece of equipment contains some different parts that can be damaged with time. If you will ignore these parts and will keep using them without any maintenance then malfunctioning will occur in your equipment and it will not work properly. You don’t know when equipment will break down and cause disturbance but if you will use the equipment maintenance log then you will be able to record the maintenance of each piece of equipment. In this way, you can easily check from the log which equipment was maintained some time ago and which was not.

Here are some benefits of using an equipment maintenance log:

Saves your equipment from Breaking Down:

A regular checkup of each piece of equipment will save you from the stress of malfunctioning or breaking down your equipment. Breaking down your equipment can cost you a heavy amount. Instead of that doing a little maintenance of your equipment will be very beneficial for you and your equipment. It will increase the life of your equipment.

Reduces the risk of harmful events:

When you use a maintenance log it keeps you updated about the condition of your equipment which reduces the risk of a harmful incident that can happen due to the failure of the equipment.

Increases the life of your equipment:

An equipment maintenance log allows you to maintain your equipment efficiently and consequently, the life of your equipment increases because it gets good care and timely maintenance.